In almost the same fashion of using color in film, special effects in movies are an innovative way of visualizing storytelling elements that may or may not be diegetic to the world that the film is set in. They can help with further pushing the narrative of the story that is being told, as well…
Author: Jay
Storytelling Video Project Proposal
Project Proposal Project Script
Digital Storytelling Look-Back
I already have taken the Digital Storytelling class within the Digital Storytelling course, the evidence of which can be found at Digital Storytelling Projects, where I documented everything that I had created and thought about in Spring 2024. This was my first time being part of this world ever, and it was such an amazing…
Reflecting Briefly on Motivation
For the last few years, it has become increasingly more common to be working from home through virtual atmospheres. It has always been a thing, as uncommon as it was to hear about years ago; however, since COVID, most people have switched over to working from home, since we now have the means to meet…
Can You See What I’m Hearing?
There are multiple elements to creating a successful production that helps with engaging an audience—everything must deal with making sure that things properly set the mood of the production and continuing to set the mood throughout it. While it is important that what we see visually conveys what is happening in the film, it is…
Uncanny Valley Phenomenon
Uncanny valley is something that everyone, once or twice at the very least, has experienced when face to face with an object or thing that looks relatively human; however, not enough to evoke the sense that they are entirely human even if they have things about them that display human-like emotions and perform human-like actions….
Coloring Art in Creative Settings
Colors have always been an important part of storytelling. Colors help with showcasing where a character is at mentally in a story, or to set the mood for a specific scene, or used as a common theme within the plot. It’s always been something that I’ve been fascinated with, and get mesmerized by, and now…
Digital Storytelling Development Checklist
Premise and Purpose Audience and Market Every quarter, there is something added to the storytelling space that adds onto the ongoing story that is being built. We get to showcase the progression of this place by hosting an end of the quarter showcase of the island and the place itself, inviting anyone that is wanting…
Healthcare, Wellness, and Access in XR (Extended Reality)
Being able to showcase a welcoming environment catered to specific people/to support specific people is important when it comes to inviting an audience in. It’s vital, when designing a space, to take into consideration what people will want to see, what might be unique and a welcoming sight to other people, and what will be…
Director’s Staple (Familiarity in a Film)
With the lack of movies that I have seen, I really don’t have a succinct favorite director or studio that I enjoy watching movies from; but I know that having a certain look to how someone films and directs a movie can make a difference in how well recognized someone becomes for what they create….