Being able to create myself in an avatar maker was a nice experience! Anything that involves customizing a character is something that I’m more than willing to do and most likely will enjoy, and this involves creating myself in character creation as well. I ended up creating two versions of myself, one as realistically as possible (not including the art style that I used for it), and one as a fictional pirate version of myself.
One version of myself I created was from the website Avatar Maker, which is a free avatar making website with four different art styles to choose from!

There were many more options than I thought there were going to be, which was really nice to see; though, as someone used to having a multitude of options to choose from games and such (Baldur’s Gate 3 is an amazing example of how in depth character customization can get), I could not alter the features of the avatar more than just a few nudges here and there, as well as choose a different color palette to work with. This is not a bad thing, however—I think it is nice to have a limited palette of things to use to create something! The style that I chose to create my avatar in was the second one, which was the polygonal style. I like how stylistic it was, while also being just realistic enough for me to find choices that were semi-accurate to my own. In the end, I was able to create myself in a way that was satisfactory to me.

I had also used another website called Piratetar, which is an older site where you can create a pirate avatar of yourself, or any character! This was the fantastical fictional version of myself that I have created. This was a website that I used before to create a much different version of myself (seen below).

I gave myself a little bit of an update, and one with less dark clothing!

I had a fun time recreating another pirate version of myself! There were still many options to choose from, which gave me the opportunity to chose things to make the avatar look like me. This is definitely not what a usual pirate looks like, but I like to think that this is a modern take on a pirate? Or at least a pirate with unconventional style and looks. This avatar creator gave me the option to have a pet as well, which immediately makes this a wonderful avatar creation site.
I could get lost in the process of character customization, and especially when it provides you with many different options to choose from that allow you to go as extreme or as simplistic as you want. I’m grateful that these websites limit you with only a few options, as it forced me to think about basic facial definitions that give you enough information to show that this, objectively, is supposed to represent me because it looks like me. These were fun to create, and I hope that other people give these websites a chance, and are able to create a person of their own!