Botanical | Retail
The first location that I went to was the Botanical garden ran by Kriss Lehmann, a person who began creating botanical life in Second Life just because he wanted to (as stated in his interview with Draxtor). His shop is set up to sell all of his botanical creations, providing a lovely atmosphere while walking around and purchasing his items.

The entire shop was beautiful, and looking at all of the details with everything that Kriss has created makes me appreciate the effort and time taken out of his time to create things that are so amazing. The details in each plant is astounding; not only that, but Kriss also makes other assets to go with his plants!
Botanical website:
Botanical location:
Micheal (mjvusl) | Performance
Content Warning: some of the visuals used here provide some Second Life users who may dress or dance in a way that may not be suitable for all viewers!
Micheal (mjvusl) is a musician who has brought his music to the virtual world of Second Life to spread his content around. He performs for everyone—and, so far, he has done over 100 of them! From what I understand, Micheal only performs in Second Life. He does not have a specific location in Second Life, as he preforms wherever he can be booked!
Check out his website here:
Fiona Fei | Art
Fiona Fei is a Chinese American artist who has integrated her love of creating art into the world of Second Life, and has created her own gallery to showcase it, called the “Shui Mo Gallery”. Her art is based around the connection of her ancestry, and the traditional ink medium used by old Chinese artists from centuries ago.
Her gallery resides in the location of Dream, which hosts communities for those who have survived strokes, and for those who are autistic. Her own 2D art welcomes those who reside in Dream, as it is meant to give people a break from the virtual world of Second Life.
Shui Mo Gallery:
Creations Park | Non-Profit
Creations Park is a Non-Profit organization that was first made to help raise money for Team Fox, an organization for Parkinson’s disease research. Creation’s Park offers support groups within Second Life, as well as research into positive outlooks for people in Second Life who have Parkinson’s disease.
Creations Park location:
Grand Canyon | Real Life
This location is a real-life replicate of the Grand Canyon found in Arizona.
Grand Canyon location:
Astrium | Role-Playing
Astrium is a location for medieval fantasy inspired roleplayers. Set with a marketplace, an academy, and many more, this is a virtual world where people can either immerse themselves into the world, or use this world as a place to hangout with friends!
Astrium webiste:
Astrium location:
Savoy | Educational
Within Creations Park lies the recreation of the real-life location of Savoy. Savoy in Second Life educates people of the history of the Swing Dance Era, as well as provides classroom lessons on how to swing dance!
Savoy location: