Collaborating and Engaging with Others to Create and Inspire

Reading through everyone else’s Immersive Engagement Proposal, I can find that there are connections between each of our proposals and how we are engaging with each other’s ideas to create something wonderful to present.

Since we are building upon the previous creations made from the past students who took this class, it is fairly easy to either take inspiration from what they have done to create something new, or create something of our own caliber that fits within the theme of the entire project. This also gives us a chance to interact with our fellow classmates to collaborate and bounce ideas off each other, which helps strengthen bonds and help others with coming up with ideas and ways to go about completing their projects.

With our classmates, I can see that we already have a sense of how our storytelling is going to work, and what we need to do in order to execute those ideas to fit within the narrative we are trying to tell. Even if our ideas seem to be completely different from one another, we are going to be able to combine them all in a way that can tell an interesting story for those who are able to witness it.