User Interface and User Experience

Often when we see color, we associate it with a certain attitude or emotion, or even status (for example: red is associated with anger, and purple and gold is associated with royalty, or an aura of luxury). Some color choices are intentionally used to tell a story, or emote an emotion to someone, or to catch someone’s attention. When creating a website for a business, or for personal use, keeping in mind which colors to use is typically an important aspect of how you want to properly present who you are and what your brand is. It is also important to keep in mind who your audience is and how you want to represent yourself to them. Using color matters—for both you and your audience.

A positive user experience (UX) is one of the most important things to think about when it comes to deciding on what colors you are wanting to use. Whatever colors you choose can affect how you and your brand are perceived, and therefore it is important to keep track of how brands have changed their style guides and how it has been received by the public. It’s important to keep that in mind, especially since picking a color that is “inappropriate” for your brand can bring negative reactions and consequences for your brand. It is also important to make sure that there is an inclusive user interface (UI). If a good portion of people who use the website struggle with where to look for something, that means that there is something wrong, and that there needs to be a change in layout to make it accessible for everyone. It’s good idea to have a palette that is easy to digest—and one that most people can enjoy while looking through the website.

It is also important to make sure that there is an inclusive user interface (UI). If a good portion of people who use the website struggle with where to look for something, that means that there is something wrong, and that there needs to be a change in layout to make it accessible for everyone. It’s good idea to have a palette that is easy to digest—and one that most people can enjoy while looking through the website.